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The first benefit and reason to consider one of these items is that as a new parent, you are going to want to check on your baby at intervals throughout the night. Most parents do this to make sure the baby is sleeping and that they are comfortable. When you don’t have a night light on in the room, you may not be able to have a clear view of the baby, which means you may turn on the light to have a look, which can disturb their sleep and wake them.

Another reason you will want a night light is that they have been proven to boost brain development in young babies. According to specialist doctors a night light can boost visual development in babies from birth to four months of age. When you know that there are developmental benefits, there is no reason not to include a night light in your baby nursery.

You will find that once your baby gets to their toddler years, they will start having nightmares and waking in a dark room can be traumatic for them. The light offers a gentle glow in the room which can help calm the toddler when they awaken.

Of course when making your way through a darkened room to check on your baby or when your toddler wakes up from a nightmare and wants to head for your bedroom, a light can add some light in the room. A much safer option that either of you walking around in the dark, making your way around the obstacles in the room.

Then there is the top reason for a night light in any child’s room. When your baby wakes up and they are wet and you change their nappies, they can take ages to go back to sleep again, often this is a result of you turning on the main light and waking them up completely. With a night light, you can feed them, change their nappy and rock them back to sleep in the same light, which reduces the risk of them staying awake for long periods and helps the baby get back to sleep that bit quicker.

The great news is that when it comes to night lights you have a choice of options available to you. Ensure you buy from a reputable supplier, so you know you are buying a reliable product that will give you years of use.

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