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Having confidence and a good self esteem are sure ways of having a successful life. When you are confident about yourself, those who are around you will be able to see that you are a person who believes in yourself. This makes it easier to interact with others since you are not afraid to contribute to conversation and give your opinion.

Many women are sadly not enjoying life to the fullest due to a low self esteem which brings with it a lack of confidence. A good number of these women feel self conscious due to their body image. If you are unhappy about your body shape, specifically your breasts, then you no longer have to worry as breast augmentation will give you the solution you need.

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation refers to a procedure which is performed surgically to improve the shape of the breasts by making them larger and increasing their fullness. This is done by inserting breast implants or transferring fat under the breast muscles. You can go through breast augmentation if after having your child your breasts have lost their fullness and are sagging due to breastfeeding.

It is also possible to have one breast larger than the other. You may have gone through surgery to remove one or both breasts as treatment for a disease such as cancer. Losing a large amount of weight can also cause you to lose the fullness of your breasts.

Different Implants Used

There are different types of implants that are used to enhance the shape of women’s breasts. Silicone breast implants have an elastic gel in them which is soft making them feel like natural breasts. These implants come in a variety of shapes and they are normally filled with the gel before the procedure.

Saline implants are filled with sterile water which is safe for the body. In case the implant raptures the water easily gets absorbed naturally into the body without having harmful effects. The saline implants can be filled before or during the procedure and feel less natural than silicone breasts. This is because they have a firm rather than a soft feel and they ripple since the implants and the breast tissues have different densities.

Breast Augmentation Procedure

Before you go through the breast augmentation surgery, a blood test will be done and your doctor will need to know if you are under any medication. He will advice you on whether or not to discontinue the medication. During the procedure, the surgeon will make an incision and will raise the breast tissue. He will then make a pocket on top of the pectoral muscle right under the breast tissue.

He can also make a pocket under the pectoral muscle which is between the chest wall and the breast tissue. He will then carefully place the implant in the pocket and close the incision. An implant that is placed under the pectoral muscle will make it easier for you to breastfeed.

Recovery Period

After a breast augmentation surgery, your breasts will be wrapped up in gauze and bandages. The doctor may require you to wear a support bra to hold the breasts in position during recovery and also to minimize on swelling.

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